New 5 + 6 Greater Fontainebleau Bouldering Guidebook

Fontainebleau is a World class bouldering location and is easily the best and most extensive bouldering area in Europe.  Known lovingly as either Font or Bleau it attracts climbers from all over the world, time and time again. 

5 + 6 Greater Fontainebleau is a new guidebook that has just been published, describing 5,286 straight up problems that are graded between Font 5- and 6c+ (V1 to V6).  It covers 70 different areas to the north, west and south of Fontainebleau, around the towns of Nemours, Milly-La-Forest, and Beauvais.  Included are the popular areas of L’Elephant, Trois Pignons, Gorge aux Chats, and Rocher du Duc, plus many hidden gems in quieter areas.

The 5,286 problems are broken down as follows:

  • 590 at Font 5-
  • 747 at Font 5
  • 822 at Font 5+
  • 671 at Font 6a
  • 545 at Font 6a+
  • 535 at Font 6b
  • 517 at Font 6b+
  • 496 at Font 6c
  • 363 at Font 6c+

All the problems are shown on detailed boulder maps with the coloured problems (from the various circuits) clearly shown.  Tables alongside these maps give the problem number, its name and grade, along with a short description.  This guidebook was published in May 2023, and is written in English text throughout.  This is the 2nd guidebook in this 5 + 6 series, with the 1st guidebook covering the central area of Fontainebleau.

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Find out more about rock climbing in Fontainebleau.

This guidebook covers 70 different areas to the north, west and south of Fontainebleau, around the towns of Nemours, Milly-La-Forest, and Beauvais. Included are the popular areas of L’Elephant, Trois Pignons, Gorge aux Chats, and Rocher du Duc, plus many hidden gems in quieter areas.