Rock climbing around Tirana in Albania

The best rock climbing in Albania is found around the capital of Tirana, with the 3 largest crags being Bovilla, Brar and Krraba.

Sport climbing at Brar

The canyon of Brar is located just 15 minutes outside the centre of Titana.  All the routes are on one continuous wall that offers steep and challenging climbing on beautiful striped limestone and snaking tufas.  The routes are typically overhanging, with a focus on technical moves and finger strength.  Brar offers some of the best climbing that Albania has to offer, with around 50 routes from F6b+ to F9b.

Sport climbing at Bovilla

Located just 25 kilometres from Tirana, Bovilla Reservoir is a popular destination, with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and the lake.  The limestone crag is split into six sectors that are scattered around the reservoir on opposite sides of the ridge.  This means you can chase the sun or shade all day.  The style of climbing has something for everyone from delicate slabs to funky tufas, with grades ranging from F5a to F8b+.  Bovilla is Albania’s largest crag, and in total there are over 130 routes, with the majority of these in the F6 to F7c grade range.

Map of the rock climbing areas around Tirana

Map of the rock climbing areas around Tirana

Sport climbing at Krraba

Krraba is located about 40 minutes from Tirana, with the crag situated on a hill overlooking a beautiful valley.  There are multiple sectors within walking distance of each other offering a variety of grades and climbing styles on limestone rock.  The style of climbing ranges from slabs and tufa walls to a large cave with some roof climbing.  Krraba has almost 100 routes ranging from F5a to F8b.

Sport climbing at Petrela

Petrela is a small limestone outcrop tucked in between olive groves below the castle of Petrela and is just 15 kilometres from Tirana. The crag has a different character to the other crags in the region, with the grades, bolting, approach, and the base of the wall, all make the crag perfect for families and beginners. The grades range from F3 to F7c, with the majority of the routes in the easier grades.

Tirana rock climbing logistics and beta

Guidebook:  The Tirana Sport Climbing guidebook is the comprehensive guidebook for the Tirana area.  It covers the crags of Bovilla, Brar, Krraba and Petrela, detailing around 300 sport routes from F3 to F9b.

Season:  Tirana is rated as the fifth most sunny capital in Europe with a typical Mediterranean climate.  The best time to climb around Tirana is in the spring and autumn, though if it is not raining then the winter is also good as well.  The summers are generally too hot unless you are climbing in the mornings.

Travel:  Tirana International Airport has connections to all over European and is located only 30 minutes from the centre of Tirana.  There is also a ferry service from Bari in Italy.

Other climbing areas in Albania.

Situated in the Albanian Riviera is Gjipe Canyon.  This hidden gem offers climbing in the canyon and on the beach with routes across a wide range of grades.